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Boost Your English Skills Today: Fix Common Errors, Learn New Words and Master Easy Grammar Tips!

Discover how to fix common mistakes, learn fresh vocabulary, and get quick grammar tips to enhance your English fluency!

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Hello, amazing people!

Today, let's dive into practical steps for learning English! Become a free member to easily download worksheets and other exclusive resources anytime, anywhere.

I’m agree. 

Many English learners say, "I’m agree," but this is incorrect. The correct form is,

I agree.

Remember, "agree" is a verb, so you don't need to add “am” before it. Just say, “I agree,” to show you have the same opinion as someone else. It’s simple and sounds natural!

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Read out loud!

Reading aloud is a great way to improve pronunciation, intonation, and fluency. Choose a short text or even a paragraph from a book and read it out loud.

This practice helps you get comfortable with English sounds and rhythm. Plus, it's a great confidence booster!




In sentence

Elated (Adjective)

Extremely happy or joyful.

She was elated when she received the job offer.

Try using "elated" when you want to express great happiness. It’s a stronger word than just "happy" and adds more emotion to your conversation!

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Present perfect vs. simple past

Use the Present Perfect (have/has + past participle) for actions that happened at an unspecified time or have relevance now. Use the Simple Past for actions completed at a specific time.

  • Present Perfect: "I have seen that movie." (At some time before now, not specified.)

  • Simple Past: "I saw that movie last week." (At a specific time, "last week.")

Remember, if you mention when it happened (like "yesterday," "last year"), use the Simple Past!

(The answer is at the bottom of the page)

Which sentence is correct?

A) She is much taller than I.
B) She is much taller than me.

Shakespeare’s impact on English

Did you know William Shakespeare invented over 1,700 words that we still use today?

Words like "bedazzled," "lonely," "hurry," and even phrases like "break the ice" came from his plays and poetry!


Try Grammarly—a writing assistant that helps you with grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.

Whether writing emails, essays, or social media posts, Grammarly can help you make fewer mistakes and sound more professional. It's available as a browser extension and app. Give it a try!

Watch “Friends” with subtitles!

If you love comedy, try watching episodes of "Friends" with English subtitles. It's a fun way to learn conversational English, common phrases, and slang while enjoying a good laugh!

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

This quote reminds us that both success and failure are not permanent; what truly matters is the courage to keep trying.

In learning English, don't fear mistakes—each effort brings you closer to fluency!

Children learn languages faster than adults.

Not necessarily true! While children might have an easier time picking up pronunciation, adults often learn vocabulary and grammar faster because of their greater cognitive abilities and life experience.

So, don’t be discouraged—anyone can learn a new language at any age!

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Quiz answer!

Both are correct!

Explanation: "She is much taller than I." (short for "I am") is grammatically formal, while "She is much taller than me." is commonly used in everyday conversation.

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